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April 15, 2010

Current Want: Chevron Print Curtains

chevron curtains, originally uploaded by Sterin.

Oh how I wish I knew how to sew, I would love to buy black and white Chevron print fabric and create curtains on my own! I'm in the market for curtains for my closet and bedroom window, but I think I'd prefer the Chevron print for my closet. If you happen to know where I can find curtains in this particular print, please share!

Thanks! Have a great Thursday!!!


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How fun would curtains be? I'm thinking pink. Ha ha! I'm sure Conor would love that. Chevron is great - I have always wanted to incorporate some into my decor - maybe some pillows!?

How beautiful! I love when you can find an inspiration photo and truly replicate the look. It looks exactly the same - really beautiful. I just can't help my self be inspired and be impressed with your such great work.

What a wonderful post here. I just find the curtains design and i meet with your blog. Just read the topic about the printed curtains. I think the look of the black and white curtains are look to be something different.

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